I was dealing with many things simultaneously. I needed to start with second publication for my PhD study, but I worked on second experiment which needed to be included into this publication. And of course I studied two difficult and time consuming courses in the same time on Coursera and elsewhere. All of this together with big workload in work and push from my company to learn German. To much to process, to much work to do.
Problem is, nobody can control dreams you have.
There is a reason why Magical Realism has been born in Columbia.
It's a country wheres dreams and reality are conflated.
Where in the head, people fly high as Icarus.
But even Magical Realism has it's limits
and when you get to close to the sun...
your dreams may melt away.
- Narcos
I haven't fly so high as Icarus yet. I haven't fall down and let my dreams melt away yet. But I have been close. My PhD was running away from me. I haven't finish courses.
So, there are no shortcuts. Basic need was to organize and finish all of those tasks one by one with proper priority and timing. This helped me out of the bad mantra I am too busy for basics, but I cannot manage the complex things because of lack of basics.
And I returned to basics (learn particular technique or setup, install and explore new technology) at least for once a week instead of work on my PhD or watching lot a videos from MOOC courses I am focusing on small parts with hands on experience.