During our Friday 26th of September company meeting I talked about topic in title with presentation. I think this presentation could be useful not only for audience which was there but for anyone.
Here is description what is content of presentation about:
Big Data and Data Science study with subtitle "study materials and online courses" is little bit more over 40 slides presentation about 10 domains of Data Science covered by online free and paid MOOC courses, study materials and free books.
Based on my almost year of study, investigate and collect of materials, tutorials, courses, books, links, etc. I have prepared distillation of the best in this short presentation.
Of course list is not full, because there is always something new, undiscovered and better than before. But it contains the most important information for those who want to start or don't know where exactly follow up when they already begun.
Follow up to the Speaker Deck site and you can download presentation as PDF which is quite useful when you consider functional links over all presentation.